News items about new publications from HIMB.

September 29, 2021

Pioneering Ocean Acidification Research Finds Grave Concern For Coral Reefs

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Oceanography Professor and Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology’s Interim Director Christopher Sabine has devoted his life to understanding the connections between the ocean and anthropogenic […]
September 21, 2021

Coral Reef Biodiversity Predicted To Shuffle As Climate Changes

New research led by scientists at the University of Hawai‘i (UH) at Mānoa reveals that the species which dominate experimental coral reef communities shift due to […]
September 16, 2021

The Art of Growing Fish

“The Art of Growing Fish” written by HIMB Community Education Program summer intern, Grace Cajski and published in Eco Magazine. Follow this link for the whole story.
September 15, 2021

Marine Expert Says More, Larger Protected Areas Needed In Hawaiʻi

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are locations designed to protect the oceans’ valuable resources. New guidelines co-authored by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa expert aim to assist stewards of the […]
September 14, 2021

Coral Cryopreservation For Breeding Key To Survival

Flash-frozen sperm collected from corals in Florida and Puerto Rico was used to fertilize coral eggs from hundreds of miles away in Curaçao. The juvenile corals […]
September 1, 2021

ʻOpihi Growth Patterns Influenced By Hawaiian Intertidal Environment

HIMB’s Erik Franklin is a Co-Author in this breakthrough study of the population dynamics of ʻopihi in Hawaiʻi. Read full story at UH News
July 4, 2021

Blue Coral’s Secret Sunscreen May Save Reefs.

Research on the Hawaiian blue rice coral by Hagadorn Lab Post Doc Mike Henley may reveal important clues as to how some corals might weather climate […]
April 21, 2021

New 3D Mapping Technique Reveals Hidden Microbial Communities on Coral Reefs

HIMB’s Coral Resilience Lab postdoctoral researcher, Ty Roach, was recently published in Frontiers of Marine Science for using “a novel combination of state-of-the-art molecular methods with […]