Congratulations to award winners, Mark Royer and Derek Kraft!
In June, students and researchers from HIMB attended the Sharks International Conference in Brazil. Over 500 people attended from 46 countries.
PhD Candidate, Mark Royer (
HIMB Holland Lab) was awarded the 2018 American Elasmobranch Society Best Student Oral Presentation at the Sharks International Conference (above). He presented his dissertation work on Scalloped Hammerhead (
Sphyrna lewini) swimming performance and thermoregulation strategies during deep dives into cold water. “I would like to acknowledge the interns who helped with every step of this project, endured some long grueling days in the field and handled a lot of feisty sharks; some of which are HIMB personnel and/or UH undergraduates.” Mahalo nui loa: Edward Cardona, Kelsey Maloney, Kate Whittingham, Chloé Blandino, Guilherme Silva, Kaylee Rossing, Kailey Carlson, Nathan Hu, Julie Lazor and Karla Haiat.
Graduate Student, Derek Kraft (HIMB ToBo Lab) received the 2018 American Elasmobranch Society Student Research Award for his work on Silky Sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis).